What does the research say about the Calmbirth®?

Results from a comprehensive research study undertaken at the Royal Hospital for Women, Sydney shows that the Calmbirth Childbirth Education program significantly:

  • reduces the rate of medical interventions during childbirth
  • reduces the use of pharmacological pain relief in labour including epidurals
  • enriches their birth experience as one that is positive, irrespective of how they birth
  • reduces the impact of perinatal anxiety which may then have a protective effect postnatal adjustment, and potentially depression, after birth.

About the course

calmbirth® is a prenatal education program developed by Peter Jackson, an Australian midwife, to reduce fear and tension  during pregnancy and birth.  The course is based on the belief that pregnancy and birth are normal life events and during the course you will learn practical  relaxation skills and gain an understanding of:

  • How fear and tension can affect the physiology of birth
  • How to use relaxation, visualisation, visualisation and breathing techniques
  • The positive effects of hormones and how to keep them at optimal levels
  • The mechanics of labour and how the body is designed for birth
  • The stages of labour and the process of birth
  • The benefits of touch
  • Optimum Support for a birthing mum and how birth is a team effort
  • Medical scenarios and medical pain relief
  • The importance of prenatal and after-birth bonding

During the course you will hear many positive birth stories.

Louise facilitates private classes at home in Frenchs Forest and group classes at North Shore Private  (book through calmbirth)

When to do the course Anytime from 22 weeks onwards (most do it from 26 - 34 weeks) though later in your pregnancy is OK!

COST: The cost is $595.

Health funds: Please enquire with your health fund as you may be eligible for rebates.

For more information contact Louise *click here for email address