
A calmbirth® refresher is a special time to set aside during your pregnancy for this baby. Refreshers remind you of your inner resources,  relaxation, visualisation and breathing skills. It is also valuable time to reflect on what you would like to change or focus on for this birth.

Options in doing a calmbirth® refresher:

  • Attend a group refresher
  • Attend a private session (one on one)
  • Attend segments of the two day calmbirth course

All refreshers are held in Frenchs Forest.

The calmbirth® refresher program includes:

  • Opportunity to discuss  birth
  • Revision of the relaxation, breathing and visualisation techniques
  • Hormones and the physiology of labour and birth
  • The cost is $300 per couple for a refresher session.

Louise is registered with many health funds, enquire with your fund if you are able to receive a rebate.

Please email or call Louise for details.